Tuesday 20 March 2018

Pros and cons of custom fabric banners

When ordering custom banner, one question that comes to everyone’s mind is what material to use. The most common materials being fabric and vinyl, the buyers often get confused about which one will suit their requirement better. Fabric has been used for custom banner printing since centuries and thus offers multiple advantages as well as disadvantages. To help you make an informed decision, we have listed down some of the pros and cons that you can weigh before making a decision.

·         Fabric banners are available in wrinkle free varieties – It’s common for banners to get creases. Be it nylon or vinyl banners, you will have to fold them to be able to transport them and the result of that will be creases. Only fabric banners can be ironed to bring them back to their original shape. You can thus fold fabric banners however you want to and iron them to get the creases out and make them look new again. Fold them again after use to store them in drawers, bags or anywhere else. The negative side here is that you will need to iron the banners before you use them – adding to the work.

·         Fabric banners are lightweight – As compared to vinyl, fabric banners do not carry as much weight. This makes them easy to ship and store. In fact, you can choose from the different weights available with the custom banner manufacturer. The weight you choose should depend upon where you wish to hang these banners at. If you stay in a windy area, this may be a disadvantage as the banner will fly even at the slightest flow of wind.
·         Colors appear bright on fabric banners – Fabric banners and backdrops have been used since so many years for obvious reasons – apart from the ones listed above and because they can sport colors like no other material. Imaging and text printed on fabric banners appears brighter and you can customize the designs as per the requirements. Vinyl banners can print photographs easily while they might not appear that perfectly on the fabric.

·         Fabric banners make your photographs look even more beautiful – Since the fabric banners absorb light rather than reflecting it, photographs of banners and of them being used as backdrops, appear beautiful. This is another reason why fabric banners have always sold like hot cakes. Since they can get dirty easily, they are not recommended for long-term usage outside.

Whatever be your choice, weigh your options before you make a decision and choose a custom banner printing provider that takes care of all your needs. 

Read very popular blog on DigitallyPrinted Banner

Monday 29 January 2018

Hanging banners – how to hang them properly

More than hanging banner printing, it’s important to place these banners at the right location and securing them in a way that they don’t lose grip or don’t fall off. Here is a banner hanging guide to help you secure banners properly indoors as well as outdoors so that passers-by see the ads you’ve placed and also get influenced. This will also ensure minimal damage to your banners as they remain at a place for years to come and bring you the benefits they’re meant to. Read on to find out how to hang banners indoors and outdoors.

Hanging the banners in an outdoor location

When hanging your banners outside, you will need to consider the weather elements like rain and wind so that you can decide on the type of banners and also fix a location for them. You obviously want your banners to last long and to ensure that the banners will need to be flexible as wind can hamper hanging banners that are too tight. The installation method you choose will need to have more give else the banner will tear if stretched too much or if too much stress is put on it. The manufacturer providing hanging banner printing services to you should know of this requirement beforehand so that they can provide you with flexible cords to hang these banners. Opt for bungee cord when securing banners so that they remain secure for longer period. Other options available for hanging the banners include:


   Zip ties

   Suction cups

Hanging the banners in an indoor location

Banners that need to be hanged indoors will require screws with wide washers that can cover the grommet holes. You can drill the holes using an electric drill but before you do that, do measure the distance between grommets. You should also use a measuring tape to find out the distance properly so that the banner appears straight and does not bend or fold. A good manufacturer providing hanging banner printing services will usually give grommets and hems on the banners that you order. You can also use bungees to add flexibility to the banners, if required.

Listen audio on Custom Banners

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Your comprehensive guide on backdrop banner printing

Backdrop Banner Printing has always been popular with businesses – big or small. For obvious reasons, businesses across the world have been using backdrop banners as a means of advertisement and their popularity just doesn’t seem to become any less. Backdrop banners can be made from fabric, vinyl and mesh. Though other ways of printing do exist, these days most of the backdrops are printed digitally using inkjet printers and can be printed in all sizes. Vinyl printing can also be done in matte as well as glossy finish depending on the usage.

Other material used are canvas and muslin but the advantage that vinyl backdrop offer is that light doesn’t pass through them. Depending on the usage, paper backdrops can also be created with attractive graphics. When you choose vinyl as the material for backdrop banners, choose between simplex or duplex methods of printing where simplex refers to one side printing whereas duplex refers to printing on both sides. In most of the banners, simplex printing method is used.

Why do businesses use backdrop banners?

   Easy to use and carry – Backdrop banners, while being an effective means of advertising, are also easy to transport as they are to use. They can easily be folded and displayed whenever required. Since most businesses participate in trade shows in different locations, it becomes important for them to choose a means of advertising in which they need to invest less, reap more and have the ease of transporting it from one place to the other.

   Visibility – No other means of advertising offers the visibility that you can get from backdrop banners. Digitally printed, these banners can be customized in various materials and sizes. Since most people use big banners, the font on them is big and bold, thus making it easy to read and spread a message across. Even when put on buildings and as stage décor during events, these banners can easily reach out to your audience and convey the message loud and clear.

   Sizing – Backdrop banners can be printed in a variety of sizes. The manufacturer you choose to buy these backdrop banners from, will offer you a choice between different sizes available.

   Ability to bear severe weather – Since the material used in manufacturing these banners is heavy PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride), it can bear heavy rain, sunlight and winds. What more – most reputed manufacturers will offer printing that will not fade away due to these bad weather conditions.

   Pricing – PVC backdrop banners can be manufactured at a very reasonable cost, thus making it a perfect choice for advertising.

Given all the above benefits, Backdrop Banner Printing becomes all the more popular choice of advertising a brand in your events.

Learn More on Pull up banners

Friday 3 November 2017

Indoor and outdoor banners and their use for business

Banners have been used by businesses across the world for various reasons, the major one being advertising brands. If you’re regular to markets and exhibitions, there is no chance that you haven’t stumbled upon a banner. Their importance is only because they’re easy to use and can display a lot of information. Though there can be a variety of banners, two major categorizations can be Indoor and Outdoor banners. Before you choose any of these banners, it’s important that you know the intention and mold the design accordingly. Choosing the wrong font or color can end up defeating the purpose of having a banner in place.

Material used for indoor and outdoor banners

Material used for indoor and outdoor banners will also differ example – material like Scrim Vinyl will be preferred when ordering indoor banners. You need not use a heat or weather resistant banner material for indoor banners as they will stay inside and will not be exposed to harsh rays of the sun or extreme weather conditions. If you’re ordering banners for outdoors, black-out vinyl is more suitable when ordering outdoor banners. This material will be able to bear weather conditions like harsh sun, heavy rains and strong winds. If you’re planning to place the banner in an area that receives sunlight, choose the black-out vinyl without any second thoughts.

Whenever ordering banners, choose the size of the banner with caution. The best part about getting custom banners printed is that you can choose a size that suits your requirements and submit a design that fits your needs. You can even reuse banners – whether indoor or outdoor for future events as it’s easy to store and move them from one place to the other. Use these custom banners anywhere – in restaurants, exhibitions, birthdays, corporate events and even private parties and spread the message you wish to – in the simplest yet most effective manner. What more – you won’t end up spending a fortune like other means of advertising and will still be able to get your message across your audience.

While indoor banners can be used as decorative tools, banners placed outside coax customers to walk into a store and make a purchase. Other uses of indoor banners include displaying menus and special offers. At the same time, outdoor banners can be used to showcase a brand or publicize an event to a wider audience.

Read more on pull up banners and Custom Banner Maker

Monday 30 October 2017

5 reasons to use pull-up banners in your events

Pull-up banners have become very popular over the recent years and here are the 5 topmost reasons to use them in your events. The pull-up banners are used for various reasons, including ease of use, compact nature and affordability. If you’re wondering if you should invest in them, read on to find out if they are the perfect choice for your event.

1     Ease of use – Pull-up banners are one of the easiest banners to install. You can set them up indoor and outdoor and they’d enhance the aesthetics of your event in the best manner possible. All you need to set them up is retract the screen and put it on the hook on the stand. To pack it back, just pull it out from the hook and put it inside the packaging tube.

2     Interchangeability – If you were not already aware, deluxe pull-up banners are interchangeable and can be used for a variety of events. Whenever you wish to change the details, just get new banners printed and use the same stand to put them up. Low in cost, these banners won’t be heavy on your pocket and changing them will also not be a lot of trouble.

3     Minimal space for installation – Unlike big hanging banners for trade shows, pull-up banners need very less space to be installed. Even if you have small tables at the event, just reduce the size of the stands that you’re ordering and place the banners on the tables. The banners are lightweight and can be set up by just one person, with minimal or no assistance.

4     Include maximum information – Even if these banners are narrow, they can still include a lot of information about your event or product. You can choose to include graphics, images as well as text on these banners to catch the attention of the onlookers. Consider giving ample space to present the logo of your brand as the onlookers retain information that they see on banners. Doing this will clearly put your brand across the eyes of your potential customers.

5     Cost involved – Pull-up banners are cheap and available easily. While you will save on your budget, you will be able to present your audience with the best of advertising messages using the best trade show banner displays. 

Learn more on deluxe pull-up banners and Standard Pull Up Banners

Thursday 30 June 2016

The Correct Need For Vinyl Banner Printing

With a lot of people understanding and looking into the overall need of marketing their products, there are certain situations that come to mind. After all, there are people that would more than willing to go for including a lot of new branding for their products, if money was not a factor. However, you have to realize that you have to take into contention the amount of money required for the process as well as the amount of time taken for the people to recognize your branding agenda. After all, this is something that you would want to do at any given state of time, and it is definitely a very important factor for you in your daily life.

As the creator of a new product, it is always important and necessary for you to truly gauge the benefit of your product, as well as how would be able to help out the people in need. So, when you have that going for you, you have to realize and understand the true importance of going for the custom vinyl banner printing. It is legitimate method with which you would be able to get a lot of attention to your products, and you would not have to worry about any other marketing ploy. Above all, the low cost, as well as the effectiveness of such kind of marketing campaigns are definitely going to be a wonderful aspect for you, given the time and the money involved in it.

Sunday 26 June 2016

The Use Of Backdrop Banner Printing In marketing Your Product

If one could say that going for banner printing can actually be a wonderful exercise in marketing, then one has to also realize that the futility of going for the use of backdrop banner printing is something that has been donning upon the people. After all, this is a wonderful method with which the product will be able to get excellent exposure, while at the same time; one would be able to maintain the cost-effectiveness of this particular exercise. Above all, any kind of publicity that this product will be able to get is definitely going to work off towards the benefit of those that are in tune with the necessary advancements in terms of finances required for this product to work in the market.

At the end of the day, what you have to realize that a company is always struggling to bring the product to the market. Whether it be a big company or a small one, everybody is more than willing to invest a certain amount of money in order to make their products in the best in their category. However, the amount of money that every of the company will spend on the proposition of a product is dependent upon the internal budget. So, backdrop banner printing will definitely prove to be a very important addition to the arsenal of companies that have a limited budget, but would like to get the maximum exposure for their products in the general market.